четвъртък, 22 август 2013 г.

The Connection Between Liver Detox and Cellulite

Cellulite is characterized by the orange-peel texture that appears on the surface of the skin. Fibrous cords connections are the main composition of the skin which attaches the skin to different make up of the body specifically to the muscles. Cellulite is a result of the building up of fat cells in between cords which gives impact to the skin. It causes uneven emergence of the skin.

Information on Cellulite

It is bumpy and targets the areas which most women want to expose supposedly but cannot. Areas included are the thighs, back of the arms and bottom. In short, areas above the knees are commonly affected with cellulite. The breasts and arms may also have bumps but not as frequent as it appears in the areas above the knees. As described, cellulite definitely raises issues on self-esteem even if it is not actually life-threatening.

Liver Detox Diets

Liver Detoxification diet supporters say that the diet cleans the liver and free it from harmful toxins. Also, they claim that the kind of diet cures cellulite. However, MayoClinic.com oppositely claims that the former’s declarations are not true. It is very important, indeed to discuss with an expert prior to taking into consideration any cure involving concerns in the skin.

Claims of Liver Detox Diets

  • Claim 1: The diet can be a cellulite remedy.
  • Claim 2: The diet can make the body get rid chemicals which are of course dangerous.
  • Claim 3: It also lowers chances of having serious health complications such as asthma.
  • Claim 4: Product manufacturers of such liver detoxifier provide energy levels which are higher and a faster way of weight loss.
  • Claim 5: These manufacturers also claim that their products lower the risks of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and the like.

Detox diets supporters usually drink mixtures of liquid and stick to strict limits of calorie intake.

MayoClinic.com Reports

MayoClinic.com as mentioned above has included claims which are directly opposite to the claims of detox diets supporters.

  • Report 1: No scientifically proven evidences supports that any diet, including liver detox diet and even topically applied creams has the ability to completely treat cellulite.
  • Report 2: Weight loss helps in the reduction of cellulite appearances. Detox diet weight losers decrease weight due to frequent bowel movements and loss of fluids. However, these people normally get back their weight the moment they get back to their previous lifestyles.
  • Report 3: Regular exercise gives a better tone and texture of the skin. More importantly, it obviously helps in the process of weight loss and in the increase of strength in the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.
  • Report 4: For best results, combine regular exercise and healthy meal plan for an effective weight loss program that would be beneficial in reducing appearances of cellulite.


  • Warning 1: The claims regarding the benefits of liver detox diet lack scientific evidences.
  • Warning 2: Liver and other organ cleansing may put your health at risk due to the lack of important nutrients especially protein.
  • Warning 3: Undergoing detox diet may raise the risk for dehydration, dizzy spells and nausea, with the possibility of having metabolic acidosis. Metabolic Acidosis is a dangerous situation where levels of acid in the body changes. This condition is serious.

The bottom line is that liver detox is not supported by solid scientific studies. Therefore, you should consult a nutritionist first before doing this form of diet to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

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