четвъртък, 22 август 2013 г.

Want Real Cellulite Treatment? 6 True Tips For Cellulite Reduction From An Anti Cellulite Expert

By Joey Atlas

Lower body cellulite is the nasty, unsexy condition that affects ladies of all ages, sizes and body-types. One of the most desired goals for the female body is permanent cellulite reduction and removal. Millions and millions of dollars are wasted on cellulite treatment scams, fake pills, bogus treatments and dangerous procedures every year. It doesn't have to be this way. Here are six proven tips to help you start getting rid of depressing cellulite within the next few days.

ONE - You must, must, must stop sitting on your big butt all day long, Sweetcakes... It's a known fact that sitting on your rear end all day makes it bigger, fatter and wider - creating more area, a larger canvas shall we say, for nasty cellulite to 'show up'. And, I'm willing to bet the more sitting you are doing the less exercise you are doing. Am I right or am I right?

TWO - You gotta stop working out like a freaking nut case... You can exercise 'til you cripple yourself and pass out - But that doesn't mean you'll get rid of your depressing cellulite. Yes, exercise does help get rid of cellulite, its one of the few things (arguably the only way) that does work in this regard - BUT it must be the right type of exercise program - If it is not, you'll just be wasting your time, risking possible injury (and possibly making the cellulite worse). I've seen this happen time and time again over the years. And I still see women doing this.

THREE - [My personal favorite] Have a lot of hot and steamy sex... Now I'm not suggesting you to start acting like an easy fluzy - or is it floozie? Whatever it is - you know what I'm talking about. If you are in a good and steady relationship - then put some more emphasis on the 'physical' part of it. And don't be a bump on a log who just lays there and takes it without expending some of your own energy and passion.

If you want the real benefits of permanent cellulite reduction - you have to take the 'bull' by the horns (or 'the horn' in this case) and work it, baby. There are many great positions and pleasurable movements that will allow you to break a good sweat as you work out your butt, hip and thighs - OH YEAH BABY!

FOUR - Quickly disown your dear mother... If you have been cursed with cellulite - there's a good chance you're blaming your innocent mom for it. This is a load of b.s. - it doesn't matter what your mom's rear end and thighs look like - you are not her and she is not you, baby. Understand? - so you can forget about the lame genetic excuse - despite what your friend's, brother's sister in law is telling you about 'genetics'. Next time you talk to your mom - ask her what she has tried to do about her cellulite problem.

And she'll say something like - "Oh, darling - I've tried everything for this cottage cheese on my lower body - the creams, the body wraps, the pills that gave me the GI condition - even those plastic undergarments. It's horrible - your father hasn't made love to me with the lights on in about 35 years, maybe longer - now that I think about it - the rotten bum hasn't made love to me in 35 years with the lights off either! Anyhow - why do you ask sweetheart?"

Then you ask her - "Well mother, have you ever tried the Cellulite Reduction version of the Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover from Joey Atlas? - They call him 'The Ladies' Trainer' - and he's a real hottie too."

And she'll say, "Honey, you know I was never one for the sweaty gym and pumping weights and doing those dangerous machines. Is this Joey related to Charles Atlas by any chance?"

And you'll say, "Ok mother, you obviously haven't done Joey's anti cellulite exercise program - because his program doesn't even involve weights and machines - you can do his whole program at home, right in your own living room. I guess there is hope for me after all. I gotta go, mom - I'm ordering Joey's leg, butt, hip and thigh program - I'll talk to you later. Hey, one last thought - maybe you should try Joey's program - Who knows maybe you'll get lucky with dad, again..."

FIVE - Make these super simple tweaks to your daily nutrition... Reduce your sodium (salt) intake, reduce/eliminate your intake of artificial (chemical) sweeteners and food additives, make olive oil part of your daily nutrition, hydrate (drink water or healthy fluids) consistently, every day.

Do you have depressing, unsightly cellulite? How Long have you had it? What are you doing to get rid of it? What cellulite products or treatments have you tried in the past?

SIX - Get started right now with these laser targeted, easy and effective Anti Cellulite Exercises:

1 - Slow leg lift for your butt and hips, laying on floor, preferably on a mat or soft surface.

2 - Stepping touch down for your legs and thighs - move slowly and breath gently.

3 - Angled heel push to sky (on elbows and knees), preferably on a mat or soft surface.

4 - Simple step ups for the legs, butt, hips & thighs - move slowly and breath gently.

Get rid of cellulite with the Joey Atlas' Cellulite Reduction System

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself by clicking on the button below

The Top 4 Secrets For A Great Cellulite Detox Diet

Detox diets are often thought of by individuals who desire to get rid of cellulite. But before undergoing such cellulite treatments, you must learn about what this technique is all about. After all, you want to get rid of the ugly sight naturally and without much pain. In this page, you will be given a background on detox diets. Find out what is included in this natural cellulite treatment. Take track of its benefits and learn if there are disadvantages attached to it as well. As you progress, you will find out if it helps in getting rid of cellulite.

A Background on Detox Diets

The major concern of plenty of females nowadays is how to get rid of the cellulite issue effectively. There are so plenty of ways offered to treat cellulite, but a number of them offer small or no success at all in eliminating the issue. On the other hand, cellulite detox is regarded as one of the successful methods in getting rid of cellulite, according to the progress result reported by the studies that were conducted on this type of cellulite treatment. It was established that cellulite detox diets together with regular workouts can help reduce accumulation of cellulites in plenty of individuals. Some have claimed that it is efficient in cellulite reduction. But before believing this generalization, other facts on detox diets may help.

The Detox Diet Plan

Detox Diets for Cellulite ought to include nourishment foods that do not contain excessive fats. However, there are means to aid the detoxifying technique that specialists recommend. The list includes going to saunas and massaging your body. You may also go for treatments that eliminate poisonous substances from your body through colonic irrigation, fasting and bowel enemas. Some specialists also recommend taking herbal supplements such as liver tonics, milk thistle and detox drinks. Most of all, generating dietary alterations is believed to be a vital element of the detox technique.

Foods Allowed in Detox Diets

Majority of health specialists recommend that you ought to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of fluids will help as well. The fruits and vegetables that are suggested consist of apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots and beans. You can also indulge in meat and chicken but you must remove the additional fats and the skin of the chicken. Fish is also ideal to eat because it contains healthy fats that your body needs. You ought to also maintain your body’s hydration through ingesting plenty of water or fresh fruit and vegetable juices. These have capacities to eliminate toxins from your body when completed on a regular basis.

Benefits of Detox Diets

Aside from helping you reduce the appearance of cellulite, detox diets can also support better eating practices. It will let you consume additional fruits and vegetables and ingest plenty of water. It is also your way of reducing your consumption of junk and processed foods. It can also persuade you to diminish your caffeine and alcohol intake. Most of all, it aids you in thinking about the right kinds of food you are going to consume. It inspires you to take excellent care of your wellbeing properly.

These are facts that state the benefits of using the detox diet for cellulite. Remember though that you should not use it excessively or you may have to deal with negative effects of the diet in your body.

More about detoxing to get rid of cellulite

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

The 30 Minute Routine That Will Reduce Your Cellulite, And Carve A Pair Of Sexy Thighs And Butt!

4 moves to help you minimize lumps and bumps on your backside and thigs and feel confident enough to bare it all.

Yes, You Can Reduce Cellulite And In The Same Time

Products and potions aside, exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The key, says FITNESS advisory board member Joe Dowdell, owner of Peak Performance NYC, is to combine strength moves with regular high-intensity interval-training sessions. Strength training improves the tone of muscle tissue, so your legs and butt look smoother. High-intensity intervals can burn lots of calories during a workout and keep your metabolism elevated afterward. This 30-minute combo routine, done three days a week, will produce results in as little as four weeks.

How to Do It

Start with the strength routine, designed to target your lower body. You'll need a set of weights, a resistance band, and a stair or step. Do the "A" set first, then without resting do the "B" set. Repeat the whole sequence two more times, for a total of three sets of each exercise. As soon as you finish, do the Quickie Interval Routine.

1A: Reverse Lunge

Targets: Glutes, quads

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides, holding a medium-weight dumbbell in each hand.
  • Lunge behind you with right foot, bending both knees 90 degrees. Hold for 1 count; return to start and repeat.
  • Do 12 to 15 reps; switch legs.

2A: Romanian Deadlift

Targets: Glutes, hamstrings

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing body.
  • Slowly bend forward, driving glutes behind you while keeping knees slightly bent.
  • Tighten glutes and stand up.
  • Do 8 to 10 reps.

1B: Standing Calf Raise

Targets: Calves

  • Stand on a stair or step with heels of both feet hanging over edge.
  • Slowly lift up onto balls of feet. Hold for 1 count, then lower feet until heels are just below step.
  • Do 8 to 10 reps.
  • Challenge: Do the move on one leg at a time
2B: Side Step with Band

Targets: Glutes, outer thighs

  • Tie a resistance band around shins, then stand with feet wide enough to feel some tension in the band, knees bent about 45 degrees.
  • Step right foot a few inches to right, followed by left foot.
  • Take about 12 to 15 steps; switch directions. Repeat deadlift/side-step series.
Quickie Interval Routine

You can do this 12- to 16-minute workout indoors on a stationary bike (increase resistance) or outside running or walking (use speed bursts). Use your Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), or how difficult the exercise feels on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • 3-5 minutes: Warm up, low intensity (RPE 3-4).
  • 15 seconds: Speed or resistance burst; increase speed or resistance from moderate to heavy (RPE 7-8).
  • 45 seconds: Recover at low to moderate intensity (4-5).
  • Repeat intervals of 15 seconds of work/45 seconds of recovery for a total of 6 times (work up to 8 times).
  • 3-5 minutes: Cool down.
To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

4 Herbs That Help Flush Cellulite Away

Cellulite is frequently passed on as the cottage cheese or orange peel, established on the thighs, buttocks and stomach. Cellulite is a cluster of fat that shoves up against the connective tissue within the skin, triggering a dimpled appearance. Roughly speaking, 80% of women have certain extent of cellulite. The most efficient means to eliminate it is to go after a nourishing diet and workout frequently. On the other hand, obtaining particular herbs can help in getting rid of the feared cottage cheese.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola, or Centella asiatica, is an herb native to subtropical and tropical climates. It is efficient in flushing out cellulite by means of making the circulation of blood better and boosting the arrangement of connective tissue, permitting new collagen development, which maintains the tightness and firmness of the skin. The active components of gotu kola leaves are described as triterpenes. As stated by the European Journal of Dermatology, extracts of gotu kola put forth a special motivation of collagen production and was functioning at depleted dosages only. In addition, gotu kola can help in getting rid of toxic pathogens from the body. The journal Molecules accounted in 2009 that gotu kola contains antimicrobial activities and includes a defensive function against challenged pathogen contaminations. Gotu kola comes in lots of varieties such as powdered dry leaves, extracts, lotions, teas and capsules. The normal dose is 20 to 60 mg three times every day for every extract or 1.000 to 4,000 mg three times every day for every dried leaves. Gotu kola must be utilized for six weeks or less, with a minimum of two-to three-week breaks in between utilization. Individuals with liver ailment must stay away from the herb.


One process to eliminate cellulite is to get rid of toxins from the body. Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, aids in getting rid of waste products from the liver, allowing it to function effectively once toxins are flushed out. Dandelion also includes potassium in elevated quantities, which assists in combating the preservation of fluids. Dandelion can be utilized in salads or drank in the form of herbal tea.

The herbs and roots are also accessible in extracts, tablets and capsules. The dosage of dried dandelion leaves is 1 to 2 teaspoons three times daily. The dosage of dandelion root is 2 to 8 grams, three times every day. The extract dosage is 250 mg three to four times every day. By-products connected with dandelion utilization involve gastrointestinal disturbance.


Parsley, also known as Petroselinum crispum in its scientific term, functions against cellulite in assortment of means. Initially, it performs as a detoxifying agent and diuretic, getting rid of extra water and toxins from the body. It also shields the liver and aids in decreasing blood glucose levels, which is an identified danger issue for weight increase. The dosage of parsley herb is 2 to 4 grams three times daily. It can be incorporated to meals or to herbal teas.


Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum, is obtainable in leaf or seed variety. The leaves are frequently cooked in curry or vegetables, and the seeds are utilized in curry powders and stews. Fenugreek is utilized on the inside for weight loss and on the outside for cellulite.
These herbs are just few or what can be considered as herbal treatments for cellulite. Keep in mind that the claims of using these herbs for cellulite does not have scientific basis yet. Meanwhile, you may still try them but do it with caution because they may entail unfavorable effects.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

Find Out The Top 5 Home Remedies For Cellulite And How To Prepare Them

Like many other skin problems, cellulite is something that will not be cured by endless visits to beauty salons, or by resorting to the plastic surgery. Mainly because most of the treatments promise the moon and offer nothing in return and secondly because those that truly work are not very lasting and require time and again to be repeated. However, I have an interesting proposal for you in the form of cellulite home remedies that are easy to use and fun to experiment with.

The best alternatives I have discovered for myself are the simple and the much more rewarding natural remedies that you can try in the intimacy of your own home. I am not saying these will suffice, however the below tried and tested natural cellulite home remedies are a very important step towards a cellulite free life.

Natural cellulite home treatment with ivy and horsetail

One quick way of reducing cellulite is to massage the affected areas with an ointment made of ivy (Hedera helix) and horsetail (Equisetum arvense). You can either buy the ointment already made from a natural products dedicated shop, or you can make your own home remedy, as you will only need three basic ingredients: one packet of butter, two tablespoons of ivy powder and two tablespoons of horsetail powder.

How to prepare it? Nothing simpler:

  • Take a saucepan, put the butter and melt it over low heat.
  • Wait until it gets to the boiling point and add two tablespoons of ivy and two more of horsetail powder.
  • Once the mixture hits the curing point, filter it through gauze and put the obtained ointment into a jar that will be stored in a cool place.
  • In order to get maximum results, massage the affected areas of the skin on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes, using the above ointment.

Natural cellulite home remedy with meadow sweet

This is an herb that will deliver some impressive results in obtaining a visible cellulite reduction even from the early stages of its use.

There is more than one way of getting all of the benefits from this anti cellulite champion.

  1. Make an infusion using two teaspoons of dried and finely powdered meadow sweet over which you pour one cup of boiling water. Filter it after 20 minutes and then apply compresses on cellulite affected areas;
  2. Make an infusion using 2-10 grams of dried and crushed plant, over which you pour 100 ml of boiled water. Cover it and let it “rest for 20 minutes. Stain it and drink five to six tablespoons per day.
  3. Make a decoction using 20-60 grams of crushed root over which you pour a cup of water. Boil it for 20 minutes, wait until it cools down and apply compresses over those affected skin areas ;
  4. And my favorite, make a decoction using 200g of dry crushed meadow sweet over which you pour 3 liters of water. Boil it for 20 minutes and leave it aside to cool down a bit. Strain the obtained decoction and add it in the water from the bathtub. Take a 15-20 minutes bath and do under water massage on the cellulite affected areas;

Sugar and oil anti cellulite home remedy scrub

This scrub is one of the simplest and easy to use cures for cellulite.

  • Take a bowl and mix baby oil and sugar in a ratio of 3:1.
  • Before you shower, apply this scrub over the affected areas and massage them gently.

Sugar will act as an exfoliating, while baby oil will leave your skin smooth and silky.

Reducing cellulite with brown algae cataplasm (poultice)

In order to prepare the poultice you will need: 50 grams of brown algae, 100 grams of bran, 100 grams of sea salt and water.

  • Add the ingredients into a saucepan, and boil them until they form a consistent composition, taking care not to add too much water.
  • Let the mixture cool down a bit and then apply it over the affected areas.
  • Apply a plastic wrap over the areas covered with the mixture and let it work for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the area with water.
  • For maximum result, apply this poultice 3 times a week.

Dandelion based cellulite treatment

Dandelion is a plant that has extraordinary properties when it comes to detoxifying the human body and fight against cellulite, as it contains high amounts of vitamins A, B and C. It can be used either as an infusion or in salads, as they taste delicious.


  • Use 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb over which you pour a cup of hot water.
  • Cover the cup and leave it aside for 10 minutes.
  • After that stain it and add a slice of lemon.
  • It is recommended to drink the infusion unsweetened.The cure with dandelion infusion should last one month. Do not exceed one cup a day, as dandelion has strong diuretic properties and can trigger the elimination of other substances along with the toxins.

The cure with dandelion infusion should last one month. Do not exceed one cup a day, as dandelion has strong diuretic properties and can trigger the elimination of other substances along with the toxins.


  • It is recommended to pick the dandelion in the morning, as if they are collected during the day after flowering, leaves could have a bitter taste.
  • Wash two hands of dandelion leaves in cold water, put them into a bowl and add lettuce, cucumbers, onion, olive oil, salt and pepper and one tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Besides salad, dandelion leaves could be used as ingredients in sandwiches, as they represent a very good substitute for salad.
  • Also they can be mixed with sorrel leaves, green onion and garlic or with dill.

So as you can see best recipes that will definitely improve your skin appearance contain three key ingredients: herbs, massage and perseverance. And although there is no one ideal solution, as some solutions are effective while others are very easy to use and some can even be delicious.

Try to have the patience to follow any of the above and I am sure you will come to the same conclusion as I have, that nature was very generous in offering us the ingredients for making some very effective cellulite home remedies.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

The Secret Of Doing A Simple Once A Week Detox That Gets Rid Of Cellulite

If you’ve ever tried on clothes in a dressing room, you may have noticed some not-so-pretty “lady lumps.” Even thin women and men can have cellulite. So rather than simply avoiding cellulite-accentuating mirrors, here are some tips on kicking it to the curb with regular detoxes.

Cellulite is formed from fluid retention and the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body. Exercise, stretching and weight-lifting (all of which help get rid of fluid, waste and toxins) are essential for silencing cellulite. When it comes to diet, avoid processed foods and animal products that leave toxic wastes swimming laps in your circulatory system. Doing routine, mostly raw vegan detoxes will help keep your skin silky smooth and light on the lumps.

Choose to do a 7-day detox each month, a 3-day detox every other week, or a 1-day detox every week to rid your body of the crummies. Here are the detox guidelines:

  • Start the day with a large glass of filtered water with lemon or cucumber slices. Add a dash of cayenne for an extra kick in the pants.
  • Consume only liquids (green juices, non-dairy smoothies, herbal tea, filtered water) and raw fruits and veggies until noon every day. 
  • Drink tons of filtered water throughout the day, at least half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces water. No sense in detoxing if the crud can’t ride the river out.
  • Eat lots of raw fruits and veggies, preferably organic. The more the better.
  • Have some raw nuts and seeds (about ½ cup each day) and cooked whole grains (about 2 cups total) spread out throughout the afternoon, but avoid wheat (gluten) completely.
  • At least 80 percent of your diet should be comprised of raw foods, and 20 percent can be cooked grains, beans and vegetables.
  • Include a daily multivitamin to ensure adequate vitamin B12 and vitamin D intake.
  • Avoid all dairy products, meats, fish, sugar, gluten, alcohol and caffeine.
  • Add more green juices and raw foods as needed for energy.

A detox day might look something like this:

7:00 a.m. – Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices and a dash of cayenne.
8:00 a.m. – Green apple juice (recipe): Juice 1 collard green leaf, 1 kale leaf, handful spinach, 1 stalk celery, small handful parsley, 2 tart apples. Serve over ice.
10:00 a.m. – Herbal tea; 1 cup raspberries.
11:00 a.m. – Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices.
Noon – Large green salad with: sliced veggies, ¼ cup raw cashews, olive oil and fresh lemon juice dressing; 1 cup brown rice.
2:00 p.m. – Large glass of filtered water with lemon wedge; hummus with sliced veggies.
4:00 p.m. – Herbal tea; 15 raw almonds.
6:00 p.m. – 3 cups mildly steamed broccoli, ½ cup quinoa, ½ cup lentils; filtered water to drink.
8:00 p.m. – Chamomile tea.

Now get your detoxed goodness over to the green boutique and try on something new! How does it look? Cellutight!

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

8 Natural Home Remedies For Cellulite

Cellulite home remedies are available in a number of ways. They are guaranteed to reduce cellulite appearance when done religiously. There are eight tips you could use for these natural cellulite treatments.

Using home treatment is another alternative method to fight cellulite.  These home remedies are less expensive than the cellulite products that are available in the market today.  There are very common cellulite home remedies you could use conveniently without pain.

Most common cellulite home remedies

If you are contemplating on having cellulite home remedies, the following options are always available.  They could eliminate the ugly sight for your own convenience.

1. Coconut oil.  You can massage coconut oil on the affected areas of your body through an upward and circular stroke.

2. Grapefruit. This is believed to be another helpful cure for the cellulite problem.

3. Essential oils.  The combination of almond oil, sunflower oil, and rosemary oil is another home remedy for cellulite problem.  You can apply the mixture on the affected body parts like your thighs, hips, and buttocks.

4. Diet.  Eating a healthy well-balance diet such as fruits, fiber-rich vegetables, and freshly squeezed juices are also considered useful in eliminating the ugly sight of orange peel look skin.  Practice not to eat junk foods and drink tea, coffee, and alcoholic drinks in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

5. Exercise.  You can start performing physical activities that will attack the cellulite problem in your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and hips.  You can train yourself with exercises that are useful in eliminating the fat on these body parts.

6. Household chores.  If you are not used to do household chores, it is time for you to practice doing it now.  By doing domestic work, you can shed some extra fats from your body.

7. Yoga.  Practice performing yoga exercises and all sorts of breathing workouts daily.  This can make you fit and can help in treating your cellulite problem.  It can also help you in treating some of your body ailments like diabetes and hypertension.

8. Apple cider vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar is considered for its various health benefits and one of these is treating the cellulite problem.  You can use apple cider vinegar as an oral or topical treatment.

For oral treatment, you can dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water.  Add a little amount of honey if you want to sweeten its taste.  Drink it every morning.

If you do not want the oral treatment, you can use the topical treatment by mixing 3 parts of apple cider vinegar to one part of the massage oil you desire.  You can massage this mixture on the parts of your body that is affected by cellulite twice a day.  This topical remedy is useful in reducing the appearance of an orange peel look.

If you want to really get rid the ugly sight of your cellulite, try the natural home remedies that are recommended above.  You will be saved from the expensive products that are acquired in a lot of beauty stores.  You just have to be patient and remember to practice them religiously.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.